Sunday, 28 February 2016

संप्रग ने घबराहट में डीबीटी योजना को रोक दिया: चिदंबरम

चेन्नई। वरिष्ठ कांग्रेस नेता पी. चिदंबरम ने शनिवार को स्वीकार किया कि पूर्व की संप्रग सरकार ने डायरेक्ट बेनिफिट ट्रांसफर (डीबीटी) योजना को लागू करने से रोककर गलती की। पूर्व वित्त मंत्री चिदंबरम ने कहा कि हमने निहित स्वार्थ वालों के विरोध के चलते इसे रोक दिया और इसके लिए एक समिति बनाई।
पढें: चिदंबरम के अफजल प्रेम से सांसत में कांग्रेस
उन्होंने बताया कि समिति ने नई भाजपा सरकार को सौंपी रिपोर्ट में कहा कि डीबीटी योजना को रोकने का कोई कारण नहीं था। उसने योजना के विस्तार की बात कही। आज यह योजना पूरे देश में चलाई गई है। चिदंबरम ने स्वीकार किया कि हम डर और घबरा गए थे। इसीलिए डीबीटी योजना का रोक दिया था। इसी तरह राष्ट्रीय आतंक रोधी केंद्र (एनसीटीसी) जैसी कई चीजों को ठंडे बस्ते में डाल दिया गया। चिदंबरम ने अपनी पुस्तक 'स्टैंडिंग गार्ड, वन ईयर इन अपोजिशन' के लांच के अवसर पर ये बातें कहीं।
एक सवाल के जवाब में उन्होंने कहा कि किसी भी देश में अल्पसंख्यकों की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करना बहुसंख्यकों का कर्तव्य है। यही बात पाकिस्तान पर भी लागू होती है। अमेरिका में राष्ट्रपति दर राष्ट्रपति और नेता दर नेता ने लोगों को यही संदेश दिया कि अश्वेतों को समान आदर और अवसर देना बहुसंख्यक लोगों का कर्तव्य है। चिदंबरम ने कहा कि कश्मीर में हिंदुओं की रक्षा करना मुस्लिमों का कर्तव्य है। जब हम कश्मीर जाते हैं, हमने कहा है कि गांव में रहने वाले हिंदू पंडितों की रक्षा करना मुसलमानों का दायित्व है।
पढें: संसद हमले में अफजल गुरु की भूमिका पर संदेह : पी चिदंबरम
चिदंबरम ने कहा कि वह रिटायर होने में विश्वास नहीं करते और घंटों काम करते हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि वह लेखन, भाषण, वकालत, स्वस्थ बहस और नौजवानों से मुलाकात एवं चर्चा का आनंद लेते हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि मेरा मानना है कि अगर आप युवा लोगों के साथ अधिक समय बिताएं तो आप जवान हो सकते हैं। उनके जवान और तरोताजा दिखने के राज के बारे में पूछे जाने पर चिदंबरम ने यह टिप्पणी की।

आज बरेली में किसानों से 'मन की बात' करेंगे प्रधानमंत्री मोदी

लखनऊ। आमतौर पर प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी रेडियो पर मन की बात लोगों तक पहुंचाते हैं। पर रविवार यानि आज नजारा इसके उलट होगा। कुदरत की मार झेल रहे किसानों से वे बरेली में सीधे 'मन की बात' करेंगे। किसान कल्याण रैली के जरिये उनका दर्द साझा करेंगे। महत्वाकांक्षी फसल बीमा समेत अन्य योजनाओं के फायदे गिनाकर ज्यादा लाभ लेने के लिए प्रेरित भी करेंगे। राजनीति के गलियारों में चर्चा है कि इस बहाने प्रधानमंत्री अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से प्रदेश में मिशन-2017 का बिगुल भी फूंक देंगे। रैली में पश्चिमी उप्र के 21 जिलों से करीब पांच लाख किसान जुटने की संभावना है। कार्यक्रम के लिए भाजपा ने पूरी ताकत झोंक दी है। पुख्ता सुरक्षा व्यवस्था के लिए एसपीजी ने भी रैली स्थल पर डेरा डाल दिया है।
पढ़ें: विपक्ष भी मेरे ऊपर घोटाले का एक भी आरोप नहीं लगा पाया-पीएम मोदी
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की देश में चार किसान कल्याण रैली प्रस्तावित थीं। मध्य प्रदेश, उड़ीसा, कर्नाटक के बाद उप्र के बरेली में रैली अंतिम पड़ाव है। किसान बेल्ट होने के कारण भाजपा ने पश्चिम उप्र को रैली के लिए चुना है। पार्टी की कोशिश है, प्रधानमंत्री पिछले साल सूखे के कारण बर्बादी झेल चुके किसानों से सीधे रूबरू हो सकें। बता सकें कि केंद्र सरकार उनके लिए क्या कर रही है। इस बहाने उनके निशाने पर सपा खासतौर से होगी, जिसने किसानों के मुद्दे पर जमकर सियासत की।
अगवानी को पहुंचेंगे राजनाथ
प्रधानमंत्री दोपहर 12.05 बजे दिल्ली एयरपोर्ट से एयरफोर्स के बीबीजे विमान से त्रिशूल एयरबेस 12.55 बजे पहुंचेंगे। यहां उनका स्वागत केंद्रीय गृह मंत्री राजनाथ सिंह करेंगे। ठीक डेढ़ बजे मोदी रैली को एक घंटा संबोधित करेंगे। मंच पर राजनाथ सिंह, कृषि मंत्री संजीव बालियान, बाल विकास एवं महिला कल्याण मंत्री मेनका गांधी, केंद्रीय कपड़ा मंत्री संतोष गंगवार, प्रदेश प्रभारी ओम माथुर, प्रदेश अध्यक्ष लक्ष्मीकांत वाजपेयी, रैली संयोजक एवं प्रांतीय महामंत्री धर्मपाल सिंह, प्रांतीय कोषाध्यक्ष एवं कैंट विधायक राजेश अग्रवाल रहेंगे। ढाई बजे नरेंद्र मोदी रैली स्थल से त्रिशूल एयरबेस को रवाना होंगे और ठीक चार बजे दिल्ली एयरपोर्ट पहुंचेंगे।
पढ़ें: मोदी की सुरक्षा का तैयार हो रहा प्लान
मिनट टू मिनट कार्यक्रम
  • 12.05- दिल्ली एयरपोर्ट से एयरफोर्स के बीबीजे विमान से बरेली को रवाना।
  • 12.55- त्रिशूल एयरबेस पर लैंडिंग।
  • 1.00- एयरबेस से हेलीकॉप्टर से फतेहगंज पश्चिमी हेलीपैड को रवाना।
  • 1.20- फतेहगंज पश्चिमी हेलीपैड पर लैंडिंग।
  • 1.25- हेलीपैड से कार से कार्यक्रम स्थल को रवानगी।
  • 1.30- 02.30- सभा स्थल पर संबोधन।
  • 2.35- हेलीपैड से कार।
  • 2.45- फतेहगंज पश्चिमी हेलीपैड से एमआइ हेलीकॉप्टर से त्रिशूल एयरबेस।
  • 3.05- त्रिशूल एयरबेस पर लैंडिंग।
  • 3.10- एयरफोर्स के विमान से रवानगी।
  • 4.00- दिल्ली एयरपोर्ट पर लैंडिंग

Snapdeal lay off reports go viral on social media

Online shopping portal Snapdeal is reported to have lined up more than 200 of its employees for pink slips. Employees have been protesting outside the Gurgaon office all day and social media has been abuzz with contradictory reports about the exact number of people being laid off.
The company had recently reported huge losses and had earlier been in the news as it came in for criticism when brand ambassador Aamir Khan got caught up in the intolerance controversy.
The company, however, claims that it had only asked non-performers to undergo a performance improvement programme and some have chosen to voluntarily move on.
According to a source, more than 1,000 people from the customer care team were asked to undergo a 30-day Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). The performances of these employees were tracked over the last few months and their ratings were taken into account before they were pulled up for unsatisfactory performances and asked to 'improve or leave'.
The Snapdeal source said while some refused to undergo the PIP and put in their papers, others agreed to take part. Some of the employees who did undergo the PIP were put on notice when the company saw no improvement in their work.
Sources say this is the first time a review of this sort has taken place and many are speculating that this is just a way to cut losses just ahead of the 2016-2017 Budget announcements and the appraisal season.
"There have been no layoffs at Snapdeal. As part of the on-going performance management and development programme, some team members at our contact centre have been offered PIP.
While many team members have opted for this opportunity to improve the requisite skills set, some team members have desired not to undertake this and have instead decided to move on voluntarily," said the company spokesperson. Snapdeal has also denied the social media reports that claim that about 600 employees have been sacked.

Virat Kohli congratulates Mohammad Amir after scripting Indian victory over Pakistan

Virat Kohli congratulated Mohammad Amir for an outstanding spell after overseeing India's five-wicket victory over Pakistan in the Asia Cup T20 at Mirpur's Sher-e-Bangla Stadium tonight. Kohli made 49 to take India home in 15.3 overs after Pakistan had been shot out for 84 on a green pitch.
It was not an easy chase for India after Amir knocked off Rohit Sharma and Ajinkya Rahane in the first over before dismissing Suresh Raina in his second over. But Kohli, who had complemented Amir for staging a successful comeback earlier, partnered up with Yuvraj Singh to add 68 runs for the fourth wicket. 
After skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni hit the winning runs, Kohli and Amir were seen sharing a laugh. The mutual respect was hard to miss. 
"I would like to congratulate Amir for that spell 4-0-18-3_. I was so happy to play that kind of bowling. God bless him for more success," said Kohli, who was named man-of-the-match for steering India's chase.
Kohli has been in outstanding form this year. He smashed 381 runs in the five-match ODI series against Australia before cracking another 199 in the three T20s against them. He was rested for the series against Sri Lanka at home and flopped in the Asia Cup opener against Bangladesh. The 27-year-old said he was keen to make amends tonight on a difficult pitch.
Kohli said he resorted to counter-attacking as that is the only way he knows to play.
"It wasn't such an easy wicket to bat on. I wasn't happy with myself with the way I batted in the last game. So I decided to dig in.  Counter-attacking is the game that I play," he said.
Kohli looked calm and assured in the middle despite the early losses and he said it was important not to lose focus even when the Pakistani pacers were spewing venom on a green deck.
"On these kind of wickets, it's very important to change your shot at the last moment. You need to stay calm, stay relaxed and that is the best way to bat on this pitch."
Meanwhile, Yuvraj, who curbed his natural style to stay unbeaten on 14 off 32 balls, said  he was happy to spend time in the middle and do what the team needed him to do at that stage. He and Kohli got together when India were reeling at 8/3; it was their stubborn stand that helped India get home with plenty to spare at the end.
"It was tough. The Pakistan bowlers bowled quick and it was not easy to bat. It was a situation where you had to fight it out and I was happy to spend some time out there. Hopefully in the next game, I will hit the ball better. I stuck out there and did not give my wicket away," said Yuvraj.

Major fire near Mahalaxmi temple in Mumbai, fire tenders rushed to spot

A major fire broke out on the third floor of a high-rise residential building in south Mumbai. 5 fire engines have been rushed to the spot. However,there are no immediate reports of casualties, according to a senior officer from Mumbai Fire Brigade.
A major fire broke out on the third floor of a high-rise residential building in south Mumbai. 5 fire engines have been rushed to the spot. However, there are no immediate reports of casualties, according to a senior officer from Mumbai Fire Brigade.
"We have started a two-step rescue operation at the location. Our primary aim is to quickly evacuate people from the building and then to control the flame," the officer said.
According to Chief Fire Officer, PS Rahangdale fire broke out on 4th floor of Tirupati apartments and it has now been doused. Also there have been no casualties. 
Further he said, that since the smoke has engulfed the entire area, many residents are facing extreme difficulty in coming down. Fire fighters have entered the building and are rescuing the people. Two blasts from cooking gas cylinders were heard from the building as flames engulfed the third floor apartments.
An electrical short-circuit is believed to be the reason behind the fire, although there has been no official confirmation.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

From polyethylene to polyester: Messi gifts autographed jerseys to Afghan boy pictured wearing bag

Argentine football star Lionel Messi has sent not one, but two jerseys to the five-year-old Afghan boy who became an Internet sensation last month when he was pictured wearing a plastic bag with
"Messi" scrawled on it in marker pen.
Murtaza Ahmadi travelled with his family from eastern Ghazni province to Kabul to receive the gifts sent by Messi through UNICEF, where he is a goodwill ambassador.
Five-year-old Afghan boy Murtaza Ahmadi posing with a jersey sent to him by Argentine football star Lionel Messi. AFPFive-year-old Afghan boy Murtaza Ahmadi posing with a jersey sent to him by Argentine football star Lionel Messi. AFP
"Murtaza couldn't stop smiling. He kept repeating: I love Messi," UNICEF Afghanistan spokesman Denise Shepherd-Johnson told AFP.
Messi autographed the jerseys, writing "With much love" in Spanish on them, and added a football to the treasure trove, UNICEF said.
Purchasing a Messi jersey was beyond the means of Murtaza's poor family, members of the persecuted ethnic Hazara minority living in volatile Ghazni, near Kabul.
His elder brother Homayoun, 15, improvised the blue-and-white-striped plastic shirt with Messi's name scrawled in black marker, and posted the photos of Murtaza wearing it on Facebook in mid-January.
The image touched a chord with football fans around the world, and earned Murtaza the sobriquet "little Messi" on social media.
The Afghan Football Federation had said Messi was in contact with them to arrange a meeting with Murtaza as soon as possible, with the Spanish embassy in Kabul telling AFP it would do whatever possible to facilitate.
But a source close to Messi's entourage said earlier this month they could neither confirm nor deny the speculation regarding a possible meeting.
Setting up a meeting in Afghanistan, in the grip of a fierce Taliban insurgency, is fraught with security challenges.
Football and cricket are the two most popular sports in the war-ravaged country -- but sports were rarely played under Taliban rule, and the football stadium in Kabul was a notorious venue for executions, stonings and mutilations.

India vs Pakistan, Asia Cup: Rohit vs Amir, Kohli vs Riaz to Afridi vs Pandya, here are the key battles

Who doesn't love a India vs Pakistan battle, on the cricket field?
The rivalry that has has been described by even The New York Times as the "world’s greatest sporting rivalry" with "all the feelings of the New York Yankees vs Boston Red Sox rivalry in baseball, Barcelona vs Real Madrid in soccer and England vs Australia in any sport had been distilled and deepened with an extra dose of hostile geopolitics and the passions of 1.4 billion people," is all set for its next chapter on Saturday as the two neighbours take on each other in Asia Cup.
For citizens of both countries, it's the ultimate cricket match, and for the rest of the cricketing world, it's a match to watch out for.
While the two teams may not play a bilateral series any more thanks to numerous external factors, when they do meet in major tournaments, they give us a match to remember. Be it the first ever ICC World Twenty20 or the recent 2015 World Cup match, India vs Pakistan encounters have been full of superlative performances, high on emotions, both for players and fans. And there is so much more to the matches than just the result -- from records to bragging rights (just ask that Mauka, Mauka guy!)
In Asia Cup too, there have been remarkable matches, from Virat Kohli's fantastic 183 to to Shahid Afridi's lst over heroics. But the 2016 Asia Cup will be different, it's not the classic 50-over game but the more unpredictable T20 format, and, without the knockout format, both teams' overall chances, more than just qualifying, hinges on the result. And the players will be aware of just how vital their individual performances will be.
As the two neighbours gear up to battle it out, here are some of the one-on-one player battles we are looking forward to.
The newest member of the Indian team pitted against the most experienced player in Pakistan may seem like an unfair contest. But the best way to describe this battle between two very flamboyant players is that young Hardik Pandya is the kind of batsman that can take the boom boom to Shahid Afridi. For all his batting exploits, the 35-year old Afridi is in team mainly as a bowler right now and will be looking to unsettle the Indian middle and lower order, where Pandya plans to play his cameo.
Traditionally, Afridi hasn’t done well against India and he will be looking to rectify that record - his T20 bowling average is 46 against India in the six matches he has played, and ir's even worse in ODIs where he averages 60 runs a wicket in 60 innings.
On the other hand, Pandya is a player that attacks from the onset and has the license to go big from Dhoni himself, therefore will look to take the fight to the Pakistan captain from the get-go. It’ll be interesting to see whether the raw hitting of Pandya or the experience of Afridi will come on top.
Virat Kohli vs Wahab Riaz 
One can be labelled as the most consistent batsmen in the Indian team and the other the most consistent Pakistani bowler. And both have maintained this tag with their form. Wahab Riaz was the second highest wicket taker overall and highest for Peshawar Zalmi in PSL with 15 wickets in nine games at an average of 16, while Virat Kohli is the second highest Indian run-getter in 2016 with 206 runs in the four T20Is he has played.
But this will be a contest to watch out for, not only for their performance, but because of their passion. Both are aggressive players who don't shy away from showing it on the field. Riaz is an intimidating fast bowler who likes to get under the batsman's skin with more than just the ball. Remember the ferocious (and furious) spell against Shane Watson in the World Cup qualifier against Australia? Even Watson admitted that he was fortunate to escape Riaz's spell.
At the same time, Kohli is not someone to back down from a fight, in fact he is one to take it right back to the opponents, if frequent run-ins with bowlers and incessant sledging of Australia's Mitchell Johnson is any indication. Just as the two players relish such challenges, so will cricket fans relish when these two battle it out in Bangladesh.