Sunday, 28 February 2016

संप्रग ने घबराहट में डीबीटी योजना को रोक दिया: चिदंबरम

चेन्नई। वरिष्ठ कांग्रेस नेता पी. चिदंबरम ने शनिवार को स्वीकार किया कि पूर्व की संप्रग सरकार ने डायरेक्ट बेनिफिट ट्रांसफर (डीबीटी) योजना को लागू करने से रोककर गलती की। पूर्व वित्त मंत्री चिदंबरम ने कहा कि हमने निहित स्वार्थ वालों के विरोध के चलते इसे रोक दिया और इसके लिए एक समिति बनाई।
पढें: चिदंबरम के अफजल प्रेम से सांसत में कांग्रेस
उन्होंने बताया कि समिति ने नई भाजपा सरकार को सौंपी रिपोर्ट में कहा कि डीबीटी योजना को रोकने का कोई कारण नहीं था। उसने योजना के विस्तार की बात कही। आज यह योजना पूरे देश में चलाई गई है। चिदंबरम ने स्वीकार किया कि हम डर और घबरा गए थे। इसीलिए डीबीटी योजना का रोक दिया था। इसी तरह राष्ट्रीय आतंक रोधी केंद्र (एनसीटीसी) जैसी कई चीजों को ठंडे बस्ते में डाल दिया गया। चिदंबरम ने अपनी पुस्तक 'स्टैंडिंग गार्ड, वन ईयर इन अपोजिशन' के लांच के अवसर पर ये बातें कहीं।
एक सवाल के जवाब में उन्होंने कहा कि किसी भी देश में अल्पसंख्यकों की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करना बहुसंख्यकों का कर्तव्य है। यही बात पाकिस्तान पर भी लागू होती है। अमेरिका में राष्ट्रपति दर राष्ट्रपति और नेता दर नेता ने लोगों को यही संदेश दिया कि अश्वेतों को समान आदर और अवसर देना बहुसंख्यक लोगों का कर्तव्य है। चिदंबरम ने कहा कि कश्मीर में हिंदुओं की रक्षा करना मुस्लिमों का कर्तव्य है। जब हम कश्मीर जाते हैं, हमने कहा है कि गांव में रहने वाले हिंदू पंडितों की रक्षा करना मुसलमानों का दायित्व है।
पढें: संसद हमले में अफजल गुरु की भूमिका पर संदेह : पी चिदंबरम
चिदंबरम ने कहा कि वह रिटायर होने में विश्वास नहीं करते और घंटों काम करते हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि वह लेखन, भाषण, वकालत, स्वस्थ बहस और नौजवानों से मुलाकात एवं चर्चा का आनंद लेते हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि मेरा मानना है कि अगर आप युवा लोगों के साथ अधिक समय बिताएं तो आप जवान हो सकते हैं। उनके जवान और तरोताजा दिखने के राज के बारे में पूछे जाने पर चिदंबरम ने यह टिप्पणी की।

आज बरेली में किसानों से 'मन की बात' करेंगे प्रधानमंत्री मोदी

लखनऊ। आमतौर पर प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी रेडियो पर मन की बात लोगों तक पहुंचाते हैं। पर रविवार यानि आज नजारा इसके उलट होगा। कुदरत की मार झेल रहे किसानों से वे बरेली में सीधे 'मन की बात' करेंगे। किसान कल्याण रैली के जरिये उनका दर्द साझा करेंगे। महत्वाकांक्षी फसल बीमा समेत अन्य योजनाओं के फायदे गिनाकर ज्यादा लाभ लेने के लिए प्रेरित भी करेंगे। राजनीति के गलियारों में चर्चा है कि इस बहाने प्रधानमंत्री अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से प्रदेश में मिशन-2017 का बिगुल भी फूंक देंगे। रैली में पश्चिमी उप्र के 21 जिलों से करीब पांच लाख किसान जुटने की संभावना है। कार्यक्रम के लिए भाजपा ने पूरी ताकत झोंक दी है। पुख्ता सुरक्षा व्यवस्था के लिए एसपीजी ने भी रैली स्थल पर डेरा डाल दिया है।
पढ़ें: विपक्ष भी मेरे ऊपर घोटाले का एक भी आरोप नहीं लगा पाया-पीएम मोदी
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की देश में चार किसान कल्याण रैली प्रस्तावित थीं। मध्य प्रदेश, उड़ीसा, कर्नाटक के बाद उप्र के बरेली में रैली अंतिम पड़ाव है। किसान बेल्ट होने के कारण भाजपा ने पश्चिम उप्र को रैली के लिए चुना है। पार्टी की कोशिश है, प्रधानमंत्री पिछले साल सूखे के कारण बर्बादी झेल चुके किसानों से सीधे रूबरू हो सकें। बता सकें कि केंद्र सरकार उनके लिए क्या कर रही है। इस बहाने उनके निशाने पर सपा खासतौर से होगी, जिसने किसानों के मुद्दे पर जमकर सियासत की।
अगवानी को पहुंचेंगे राजनाथ
प्रधानमंत्री दोपहर 12.05 बजे दिल्ली एयरपोर्ट से एयरफोर्स के बीबीजे विमान से त्रिशूल एयरबेस 12.55 बजे पहुंचेंगे। यहां उनका स्वागत केंद्रीय गृह मंत्री राजनाथ सिंह करेंगे। ठीक डेढ़ बजे मोदी रैली को एक घंटा संबोधित करेंगे। मंच पर राजनाथ सिंह, कृषि मंत्री संजीव बालियान, बाल विकास एवं महिला कल्याण मंत्री मेनका गांधी, केंद्रीय कपड़ा मंत्री संतोष गंगवार, प्रदेश प्रभारी ओम माथुर, प्रदेश अध्यक्ष लक्ष्मीकांत वाजपेयी, रैली संयोजक एवं प्रांतीय महामंत्री धर्मपाल सिंह, प्रांतीय कोषाध्यक्ष एवं कैंट विधायक राजेश अग्रवाल रहेंगे। ढाई बजे नरेंद्र मोदी रैली स्थल से त्रिशूल एयरबेस को रवाना होंगे और ठीक चार बजे दिल्ली एयरपोर्ट पहुंचेंगे।
पढ़ें: मोदी की सुरक्षा का तैयार हो रहा प्लान
मिनट टू मिनट कार्यक्रम
  • 12.05- दिल्ली एयरपोर्ट से एयरफोर्स के बीबीजे विमान से बरेली को रवाना।
  • 12.55- त्रिशूल एयरबेस पर लैंडिंग।
  • 1.00- एयरबेस से हेलीकॉप्टर से फतेहगंज पश्चिमी हेलीपैड को रवाना।
  • 1.20- फतेहगंज पश्चिमी हेलीपैड पर लैंडिंग।
  • 1.25- हेलीपैड से कार से कार्यक्रम स्थल को रवानगी।
  • 1.30- 02.30- सभा स्थल पर संबोधन।
  • 2.35- हेलीपैड से कार।
  • 2.45- फतेहगंज पश्चिमी हेलीपैड से एमआइ हेलीकॉप्टर से त्रिशूल एयरबेस।
  • 3.05- त्रिशूल एयरबेस पर लैंडिंग।
  • 3.10- एयरफोर्स के विमान से रवानगी।
  • 4.00- दिल्ली एयरपोर्ट पर लैंडिंग

Snapdeal lay off reports go viral on social media

Online shopping portal Snapdeal is reported to have lined up more than 200 of its employees for pink slips. Employees have been protesting outside the Gurgaon office all day and social media has been abuzz with contradictory reports about the exact number of people being laid off.
The company had recently reported huge losses and had earlier been in the news as it came in for criticism when brand ambassador Aamir Khan got caught up in the intolerance controversy.
The company, however, claims that it had only asked non-performers to undergo a performance improvement programme and some have chosen to voluntarily move on.
According to a source, more than 1,000 people from the customer care team were asked to undergo a 30-day Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). The performances of these employees were tracked over the last few months and their ratings were taken into account before they were pulled up for unsatisfactory performances and asked to 'improve or leave'.
The Snapdeal source said while some refused to undergo the PIP and put in their papers, others agreed to take part. Some of the employees who did undergo the PIP were put on notice when the company saw no improvement in their work.
Sources say this is the first time a review of this sort has taken place and many are speculating that this is just a way to cut losses just ahead of the 2016-2017 Budget announcements and the appraisal season.
"There have been no layoffs at Snapdeal. As part of the on-going performance management and development programme, some team members at our contact centre have been offered PIP.
While many team members have opted for this opportunity to improve the requisite skills set, some team members have desired not to undertake this and have instead decided to move on voluntarily," said the company spokesperson. Snapdeal has also denied the social media reports that claim that about 600 employees have been sacked.

Virat Kohli congratulates Mohammad Amir after scripting Indian victory over Pakistan

Virat Kohli congratulated Mohammad Amir for an outstanding spell after overseeing India's five-wicket victory over Pakistan in the Asia Cup T20 at Mirpur's Sher-e-Bangla Stadium tonight. Kohli made 49 to take India home in 15.3 overs after Pakistan had been shot out for 84 on a green pitch.
It was not an easy chase for India after Amir knocked off Rohit Sharma and Ajinkya Rahane in the first over before dismissing Suresh Raina in his second over. But Kohli, who had complemented Amir for staging a successful comeback earlier, partnered up with Yuvraj Singh to add 68 runs for the fourth wicket. 
After skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni hit the winning runs, Kohli and Amir were seen sharing a laugh. The mutual respect was hard to miss. 
"I would like to congratulate Amir for that spell 4-0-18-3_. I was so happy to play that kind of bowling. God bless him for more success," said Kohli, who was named man-of-the-match for steering India's chase.
Kohli has been in outstanding form this year. He smashed 381 runs in the five-match ODI series against Australia before cracking another 199 in the three T20s against them. He was rested for the series against Sri Lanka at home and flopped in the Asia Cup opener against Bangladesh. The 27-year-old said he was keen to make amends tonight on a difficult pitch.
Kohli said he resorted to counter-attacking as that is the only way he knows to play.
"It wasn't such an easy wicket to bat on. I wasn't happy with myself with the way I batted in the last game. So I decided to dig in.  Counter-attacking is the game that I play," he said.
Kohli looked calm and assured in the middle despite the early losses and he said it was important not to lose focus even when the Pakistani pacers were spewing venom on a green deck.
"On these kind of wickets, it's very important to change your shot at the last moment. You need to stay calm, stay relaxed and that is the best way to bat on this pitch."
Meanwhile, Yuvraj, who curbed his natural style to stay unbeaten on 14 off 32 balls, said  he was happy to spend time in the middle and do what the team needed him to do at that stage. He and Kohli got together when India were reeling at 8/3; it was their stubborn stand that helped India get home with plenty to spare at the end.
"It was tough. The Pakistan bowlers bowled quick and it was not easy to bat. It was a situation where you had to fight it out and I was happy to spend some time out there. Hopefully in the next game, I will hit the ball better. I stuck out there and did not give my wicket away," said Yuvraj.

Major fire near Mahalaxmi temple in Mumbai, fire tenders rushed to spot

A major fire broke out on the third floor of a high-rise residential building in south Mumbai. 5 fire engines have been rushed to the spot. However,there are no immediate reports of casualties, according to a senior officer from Mumbai Fire Brigade.
A major fire broke out on the third floor of a high-rise residential building in south Mumbai. 5 fire engines have been rushed to the spot. However, there are no immediate reports of casualties, according to a senior officer from Mumbai Fire Brigade.
"We have started a two-step rescue operation at the location. Our primary aim is to quickly evacuate people from the building and then to control the flame," the officer said.
According to Chief Fire Officer, PS Rahangdale fire broke out on 4th floor of Tirupati apartments and it has now been doused. Also there have been no casualties. 
Further he said, that since the smoke has engulfed the entire area, many residents are facing extreme difficulty in coming down. Fire fighters have entered the building and are rescuing the people. Two blasts from cooking gas cylinders were heard from the building as flames engulfed the third floor apartments.
An electrical short-circuit is believed to be the reason behind the fire, although there has been no official confirmation.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

From polyethylene to polyester: Messi gifts autographed jerseys to Afghan boy pictured wearing bag

Argentine football star Lionel Messi has sent not one, but two jerseys to the five-year-old Afghan boy who became an Internet sensation last month when he was pictured wearing a plastic bag with
"Messi" scrawled on it in marker pen.
Murtaza Ahmadi travelled with his family from eastern Ghazni province to Kabul to receive the gifts sent by Messi through UNICEF, where he is a goodwill ambassador.
Five-year-old Afghan boy Murtaza Ahmadi posing with a jersey sent to him by Argentine football star Lionel Messi. AFPFive-year-old Afghan boy Murtaza Ahmadi posing with a jersey sent to him by Argentine football star Lionel Messi. AFP
"Murtaza couldn't stop smiling. He kept repeating: I love Messi," UNICEF Afghanistan spokesman Denise Shepherd-Johnson told AFP.
Messi autographed the jerseys, writing "With much love" in Spanish on them, and added a football to the treasure trove, UNICEF said.
Purchasing a Messi jersey was beyond the means of Murtaza's poor family, members of the persecuted ethnic Hazara minority living in volatile Ghazni, near Kabul.
His elder brother Homayoun, 15, improvised the blue-and-white-striped plastic shirt with Messi's name scrawled in black marker, and posted the photos of Murtaza wearing it on Facebook in mid-January.
The image touched a chord with football fans around the world, and earned Murtaza the sobriquet "little Messi" on social media.
The Afghan Football Federation had said Messi was in contact with them to arrange a meeting with Murtaza as soon as possible, with the Spanish embassy in Kabul telling AFP it would do whatever possible to facilitate.
But a source close to Messi's entourage said earlier this month they could neither confirm nor deny the speculation regarding a possible meeting.
Setting up a meeting in Afghanistan, in the grip of a fierce Taliban insurgency, is fraught with security challenges.
Football and cricket are the two most popular sports in the war-ravaged country -- but sports were rarely played under Taliban rule, and the football stadium in Kabul was a notorious venue for executions, stonings and mutilations.

India vs Pakistan, Asia Cup: Rohit vs Amir, Kohli vs Riaz to Afridi vs Pandya, here are the key battles

Who doesn't love a India vs Pakistan battle, on the cricket field?
The rivalry that has has been described by even The New York Times as the "world’s greatest sporting rivalry" with "all the feelings of the New York Yankees vs Boston Red Sox rivalry in baseball, Barcelona vs Real Madrid in soccer and England vs Australia in any sport had been distilled and deepened with an extra dose of hostile geopolitics and the passions of 1.4 billion people," is all set for its next chapter on Saturday as the two neighbours take on each other in Asia Cup.
For citizens of both countries, it's the ultimate cricket match, and for the rest of the cricketing world, it's a match to watch out for.
While the two teams may not play a bilateral series any more thanks to numerous external factors, when they do meet in major tournaments, they give us a match to remember. Be it the first ever ICC World Twenty20 or the recent 2015 World Cup match, India vs Pakistan encounters have been full of superlative performances, high on emotions, both for players and fans. And there is so much more to the matches than just the result -- from records to bragging rights (just ask that Mauka, Mauka guy!)
In Asia Cup too, there have been remarkable matches, from Virat Kohli's fantastic 183 to to Shahid Afridi's lst over heroics. But the 2016 Asia Cup will be different, it's not the classic 50-over game but the more unpredictable T20 format, and, without the knockout format, both teams' overall chances, more than just qualifying, hinges on the result. And the players will be aware of just how vital their individual performances will be.
As the two neighbours gear up to battle it out, here are some of the one-on-one player battles we are looking forward to.
The newest member of the Indian team pitted against the most experienced player in Pakistan may seem like an unfair contest. But the best way to describe this battle between two very flamboyant players is that young Hardik Pandya is the kind of batsman that can take the boom boom to Shahid Afridi. For all his batting exploits, the 35-year old Afridi is in team mainly as a bowler right now and will be looking to unsettle the Indian middle and lower order, where Pandya plans to play his cameo.
Traditionally, Afridi hasn’t done well against India and he will be looking to rectify that record - his T20 bowling average is 46 against India in the six matches he has played, and ir's even worse in ODIs where he averages 60 runs a wicket in 60 innings.
On the other hand, Pandya is a player that attacks from the onset and has the license to go big from Dhoni himself, therefore will look to take the fight to the Pakistan captain from the get-go. It’ll be interesting to see whether the raw hitting of Pandya or the experience of Afridi will come on top.
Virat Kohli vs Wahab Riaz 
One can be labelled as the most consistent batsmen in the Indian team and the other the most consistent Pakistani bowler. And both have maintained this tag with their form. Wahab Riaz was the second highest wicket taker overall and highest for Peshawar Zalmi in PSL with 15 wickets in nine games at an average of 16, while Virat Kohli is the second highest Indian run-getter in 2016 with 206 runs in the four T20Is he has played.
But this will be a contest to watch out for, not only for their performance, but because of their passion. Both are aggressive players who don't shy away from showing it on the field. Riaz is an intimidating fast bowler who likes to get under the batsman's skin with more than just the ball. Remember the ferocious (and furious) spell against Shane Watson in the World Cup qualifier against Australia? Even Watson admitted that he was fortunate to escape Riaz's spell.
At the same time, Kohli is not someone to back down from a fight, in fact he is one to take it right back to the opponents, if frequent run-ins with bowlers and incessant sledging of Australia's Mitchell Johnson is any indication. Just as the two players relish such challenges, so will cricket fans relish when these two battle it out in Bangladesh.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

India ahead of Canada and Australia in porn consumption, ranks third all over the globe

We might not have a lot of Olympic medals, but our porn-viewing numbers are off the charts. People watched 75 GB of porn per second.
It's that time of the year again when releases their annual data of exactly what people are watching on their site and as always, there are some fascinating new insights. According to the data crunchers, on, people watched 75 GB of porn per second, which in its totality is 4.3 million hours (twice as long as homo sapiens have existed on earth), which also translates to 12 videos per person on the planet and a total of 21.2 billion visits. Here are some key insights about the world and India’s porn-viewing habits:
We might not have highest GDP, or a whole lot of Olympic medals, but India’s porn viewing habits (despite the lack of digital penetration, pun intended) would make any desi proud and in 2015, India overtook Canada to reach the 3rd spot in the number of visitors. This is weirdly prophetic when you consider the fact that Sunny Leone is actually from Canada and has made India her home, where she continues to dominate Google search results.
Incidentally, this occurred in the year when the Indian government banned porn for a while and felt the wrath of everyone across the political spectrum for daring to toy with things that they hold dear. Also, the Ashley Madison data from earlier this year revealed that 1.5 lakh Indians were logged onto the adultery website.

Globally, Uncle Sam still maintains the top spot, accounting for 41% of the total traffic while our former colonial rulers, the British are at number 2 spot. India, as we mentioned is third, while Japan and Philippines are notable climbers reaching 12th and 16th respectively.
We shall last longer
While, the time spent has gone up for everyone across the world, with people spending 9 minutes 20 seconds on an average, compared to 9 minutes 16 seconds from previous years. Incidentally, the Philippines with pants down here, as they spend a whopping 12:45 minutes. Indians, our patriotic junta will be happy to know, added a whopping 1 minute to their time-spent as they now spend an average of 9:30 minutes each time online.

Our search habits revealed that we’re an extremely patriotic lot when it comes to porn as the top searches all had the word ‘Indian’ in them. The top keywords included Indian, Indian bhabhi (sister-in-law), Indian actress Indian wife, Indian college, Indian aunty, desi, Japanese and Indonesia. For the uninitiated, aunty refers to the desi version of MILF while the bhabhifascination can be explained by a human being’s basic desire to own the unattainable i.e. your brother’s partner. As far as popular pornstars are concerned, Miss Leone continued to rule the roost, despite quitting porn years ago, while Mia Khalifa’s high position can be explained by the fact that she was rumoured to appear on popular Indian reality TV show Bigg Boss.

Sonam takes a dig at Priyanka, Deepika? Says she doesn't want to be the hot Indian girl in Hollywood

Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone are busy putting Bollywood on global map. If the Quantico actor has bagged a role in Baywatch, her Bajirao Mastani co-actor is busy shooting for XXX The Return of Xander Cage in Canada. But their contemporary Sonam Kapoor took a dig at them by saying that she doesn't want to be the hot Indian girl in Hollywood.
Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone are busy putting Bollywood on global map. If the Quantico actor has bagged a role  opposite Dwayne Johnson in Baywatch, her Bajirao Mastani co-actor Deepika Padukone is also busy shooting for her Hollywood debut, XXX The Return of Xander Cage, in Canada. But one of their contemporaries is creating buzz back in India with her stupendous performance. Sonam Kapoor, who is riding high on the success of Neerja, is game to be a part of Hollywood but only if she is offered meaty roles.
Sonam, who is known to speak her mind, took a dig at her contemporaries when she said that she has worked very hard not to be this exotic Indian girl. In an interview to DNA, when the Prem Ratan Dhan Payo actor was asked about her Hollywood plans, Sonam said, "I would like to take my projects to the West. I do not want to be the hot Indian girl there. I have worked very hard not to be this exotic Indian girl in India. I have worked very hard to the point where I could get to do a film like Neerja and be taken seriously."
The 30-year-old actor, who made a blink-and-miss appearance in Coldplay's latest music video Hymn For The Weekend, is not ready to start things from the scratch in Hollywood. But at the same time, she is only ready if an exciting role is offered to her. "I do not want to start all over again. If I can get something with a lot of gravitas, I would definitely want to do it. I would approach them myself. If it's a great role, why not? But if it has something right and which attracts me," she added.
Sonam, who is good friends with Priyanka, said that she is more interested in honing her skill than conquer the world. "For me, conquering the world is not important. For me conquering and honing my craft is more important. It doesn't matter what language I get to work in, as long as I get to explore something about myself and explore a character that I want to do. I will make a decision based on the fact that there's something that I can do in it."

What Salman said about ex-girlfriend Katrina is a bit difficult to digest

Salman Khan has, on more occasions than one, displayed his wacky sense of humour whenever he has had to deal with a tricky question. So when the Bajrangi Bhaijaan star was quizzed about what he felt about his ex-girlfriend Katrina Kaif saying that she owed her career to him, Salman had a brilliant response up his sleeve.
Salman Khan is famous for, more than anything else, his wacky sense of humour. And his choice of words in the face of tricky questions. For years, the actor has taught the media and the world at large the art of dodging questions. So when someone asked Salman a question about his ex-girlfriend Katrina Kaif, the actor had a great response up his sleeve.
Katrina, time and again, has said how she owed her career to Salman. So at a recent event, when Dabangg Khan was asked what he thought of Katrina's statement that she owed her success and career to him, Khan's response was, "Katrina says that whatever I am today, is because of Salman Khan. Katrina Kaif has achieved everything on her own because she is very hard working. I have NEVER seen a more hardworking girl than Katrina in my whole life. She is India's biggest star for you."
And Salman didn't stop there. He drew an analogy that might sound a bit surprising to many, "But according to me, Katrina is a mazdoor (labourer). That is how much she works on herself. You guys have to learn from her."
Salman has taken digs at Katrina several times in the past. And as for Katrina, she has always taken the remarks perhaps just the way they were meant to be taken: as a joke.
The two actors were in a relationship for several years before parting ways. After her break-up with Salman, Katrina was in a relationship with Ranbir Kapoor for six years, till her break-up last month. Salman, on the other hand, is supposedly in a relationship with Romanian TV personality Iulia Vantur.
Katrina and Salman have always shared a good equation. As recently as a few days ago, Katrina was on the sets of Salman's TV show Bigg Boss 9. Kaif paid a visit to the grand finale of show along with her Fitoor co-stars Aditya Roy Kapur, Tabu and director Abhishek Kapoor. The four were there to promote their upcoming film Fitoor.

Friday, 5 February 2016

How To Earn $100 Per Day With Google AdSense, And How Much Traffic You Need

Earning $100, $200 or even $300 per day with Google AdSense is not an impossible job.

Many bloggers and website owners are doing it, and you are not an exception. The only thing you need is better planning and execution, hard work, determination and passion for blogging about your topic or niche.

Before diving into the exact process, let’s know some terminology for better understanding of Google AdSense and how you can generate more revenue by selling your ad inventories on your blog.

What Is AdSense: It’s a monetization program by Google for online content from websites, mobile sites, and site search results with relevant and engaging ads.

CTR : Your ad Click-through Rate is the number of ad clicks divided by the number of individual ad impressions. Suppose you are showing 3 AdSense ads on every page, your 1 page view is equal to 3 ad impressions.

CTR = Clicks / Ad Impressions X 100

Suppose, you get 5 clicks out of 500 ad impressions, your CTR would be 1% (5/500X100).

CPC : Cost-Per-Click is the revenue you earn each time a visitor clicks on your ad. CPC is usually determined by the advertisers. In some competitive niches like finance, marketing, online products etc. advertisers may be willing to pay more per click than others.

CPM: CPM means “Cost Per 1000 Impressions.”

Sometimes advertisers opt for CPM ads instead of CPC and set their price for 1000 ad impressions. And they pay each time their ads appear on any website.

Let’s Make $100 Everyday With Google AdSense, Right?
For the convenience of calculation we assume that – You serve your AdSense ads on your blog or website, irrespective of showing your ads on your mobile site and added the site search results with AdSense.

Your CTR is 1% and your average CPC is $0.25. It’s quite achievable and lots of bloggers usually get it. We also assume that Page View = Ad Impression for easy calculation. You can manipulate the parameters on your own for desired results.

To make $100 everyday you need 40,000 Page Views/day Or, 400 Clicks a day @ 1% CTR and $0.25 CPC. For 40,000 Page Views you have to produce 500 awesome articles or blog posts which attract at least 80 or more page views/article everyday.
Apart from CPC, you will also earn from your CPM ad impressions. Irrespective of any niche, the average CPM earning is $1 to $1.5 per 1,000 impressions. You can make $40 to $60 per day easily from 40,000 page views.
You can also sell your Ad space directly or via and generate $6,000 Per Month on an average from 40,000 page views. Check out how webmasters and bloggers are making $6,000 to $8,000 Per Month from BuySellAds with forty thousand page views per day. So your daily earning will be $200 (6000/30=200).
A niche blog with high quality articles converts very well with affiliate marketing. You can easily earn $40 to $80/day from affiliate selling with correct implementation and execution.
Now your total earning per day is $100 + $40 + $200 +$40 = $380 from CPC, CPM, Direct Ad Sell, Affiliate Marketing for 40,000 page views per day. I’ve taken the lowest possible earnings from all the 4 sources.

$380 per day means $11,400 per month (380X30= 11,400) Or, $136,800 per year(11,400X12=136,800). Isn’t it a whooping amount to lead a lavish life?

Which is well above your desired earning of $100 per day from Google AdSense, right? 1000s of people are making money by writing articles, and you can also do it. The only thing I want to say is “Be Focused!”

P.S. The above results can be possible if you produce at least 200 to 250 great articles or blog posts per year for 2 years. So how much traffic you actually need to make $100 per day from Google AdSense – It’s way less than 40,000 Page Views Per Day!

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Global News

Global News: Bringing you the best news from around the world on a daily basis......It's Our pleasure to serve you.

Global News

Global News: Bringing you the best news from around the world on a daily basis......It's Our pleasure to serve you.

20 Surprising And Cool Facts About Exotic India

Here we are going to present 20 cool facts about the exotic and beautiful India. If you like to learn something new about other cultures and peoples, welcome inside!

1. Indian housewives hold 11% of the World’s gold. That is more than the reserves of USA, IMF, Switzerland and Germany put together.

It’s the country of people highly fascinated with gold. Their holdings in gold are estimated at about holdings 15,000 tons.

2. An Indian man single-handedly planted a 1,360 acre forest that is home to a complex, thriving ecosystem.

It turns out one hard working person needs less than nine years to cultivate 1360 acres.

3. The Prime Minister of India’s salary in 2013 was only $2,400 USD.

The salary of the American president for the same 2013 amounted to 33,000 dollars monthly.
4. Hindus in India believe that there are more than 300 million different gods, since every village there has their own local god.

Ancient people believed in existence of 330 million living beings. That inspired the basic idea of Hinduism – the idea of 330 million deities or gods.
5. In India there’s a prison where prisoners can come and go as they want. The prisoners can also hold jobs. One prisoner is even a school teacher.

Family members are also allowed to live with prisoners. This prison is located in the state of Rajasthan.
6. The largest employer in the world is the Indian railway system in India, employing over 1.6 million people.

People who work for the Indian railway have wonderful growth prospects.
7. This is a funeral for an elephant hit by a train in India.

The poor animal was hit by a train.
8. There is a golden temple in India that feeds thousands of people who show up randomly regardless of race, religion and class.

A fully vegetarian meal is daily given out to nearly 100,000 people.
9. An barber in India named Ramesh Babu gives his customers a decent trim for only $2 — But he owns a Rolls Royce!

Today he actually owns a fleet of 105 nice cars.
10. An Indian airline only hires women because they are lighter, so they save up to $500,000 per year in fuel.

The average difference in weight between women and men is 15-20 kg.

11. 21 Indians fought to death against 10,000 Afghans to defend a strategic army post in 1897.

Read about the prominent battle of Saragarchi here.
12. Gulabi Gang is the name of a gang of women in India, that on call, beat up abusive husbands with brooms.

Corrupt officials are beaten by sari-clad vigilantes as well.
13. India is the country of the largest family consisting of one man, with 39 wives and 94 children.

The family of Ziona Chana has a mansion with 100 rooms, they need 30 chickens to cook just one family dinner!
14. An Indian man hasn’t bathed in 37 years and is known as the smelliest and dirtiest man to have ever lived.

Guru Kailash Singh, 65, promised to bathe when he has a son. The man already has seven daughters but still no boys were born by his wife who is already 60. It’s crazy but Singh doesn’t lose his hope…
15. There is an Indian version of “The Suite Life of Zack and Cody” named “The Suite Life of Karan and Kabir”.

The Indian show was first aired in 2000.
16. The founder of “5-Hour-Energy”, Manoj Bhargava, is the richest Indian in the US, and gives 90% of his earnings to charity.

A 2 ounce energy drink of Manoj Bhargava was launched in 2003 to take control over 90% of the U.S. energy-shot market.
.17. In India, over 2,000 people have been killed after being accused of witchcraft between the years 2000 and 2012.

It had to be a cruel meassage for Indian women: docility and domesticity get rewarded while anything else gets punished.

18. A soldier of the Indian Army once fought off 40 train robbers with a knife, killing 3 and injuring 8 to save a girl from getting raped.
The incident took place on September 2, 2010.

19. One woman dies every hour in India because of dowry-related crimes.

8233 Indian women were killed over dowry in 2012 alone.

20. India’s population is expected to increase by 400 million by 2050 which will equal to the populations of the U.S. and China combined.

By the year of 2050 India is expected to be the most populous country.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

ONLINE DATING: How To Get Her To Fall In Love With You Before You Even Meet Her

In the age of social media, it is no surprise that people look to it to find a partner. A lot of people have been able to strike and maintain a relationship with someone they meet online, and you can too. The down side of online dating is that you are left with the challenge of impressing her and getting her to have feelings for you even before you both get a chance to meet. But there are ways around this.

Here are simple tips that can help you attract the online date of your choice and leave her with no choice but to want to meet with you.

1. Create an Impressive Profile: An online profile is basically a first impression for anyone who comes in contact with you and this is the very first step to drawing her attention. Most women are usually bombarded by friend requests and messages, it is while going through all these profiles that they sift through and choose the most promising candidate. Make sure your profile is eye-catching, and even containing some funny elements. Remember, your profile picture should also reflect something you want potential mates to see. For example taking a picture with you being surrounded by alcohol or girls would certainly not help your chances. Try for a casual solo picture of yourself in a comfortable environment (work, school, restaurant, church, home, etc).

2. Be Assertive: When you do end up getting a response from someone promising, be assertive in your communication with her. Online dating usually come with a pretty short attention span. It is not like you guys are facing each other with hours to talk about yourselves. As previously mentioned, she probably gets a lot of attention from different guys everyday so try not to be too boring. When communicating with her, do it with a lot of humour and make sure you encourage her to open up about herself. Do not let there be too much of a lull in your conversations.

3. Share Interests: Since this is the part about getting to know each other, make sure you talk about your interests and also keep notes of hers. Talk about places she likes to visit and what she likes to do. Also make sure you point out things you have in common since these would become important subjects for conversations in future.

4. Act Like A Couple: Although you have not met her yet, you can put the idea of being a couple on her head by acting like one. Call her often, be her friend and talk to her when something interesting happens in your life.  Encourage her to also share things with you like how her day went, or what she is up to.

5. Get Romantic: To avoid being labeled as “just an online friend” make sure you chip in a few romantic subjects into your conversation. Let her know you are single, available and willing to pursue something with her. Let her know you consider her as your ideal woman and you enjoy talking with her.

6. Ask Her Out: Do not let too much time pass between when you start conversing online and when you meet her face-to-face. If she starts to have feelings for you while talking with her online, the feelings could easily go away if you do not find your way into her reality as soon as possible. Fix an opportunity for you both to hang out, but do not, under any circumstances, suggest a first date at your house or she would easily discard you as one of those guys who just prowl the internet for sex, even though that might not be your intention. Choose a neutral location and arm yourself with all the information of her that you have since these are topics you would build on during your date.

Facebook Founder, Mark Zuckerberg, Wife Expecting First Child After 3 Miscarriages

These were the words of Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg announcing the development, he was full of excitement
Priscilla and I have some exciting news: we’re expecting a baby girl!
This will be a new chapter in our lives. We’ve already been so fortunate for the opportunity to touch people’s lives around the world — Cilla as a doctor and educator, and me through this community and philanthropy. Now we’ll focus on making the world a better place for our child and the next generation.
We want to share one experience to start. We’ve been trying to have a child for a couple of years and have had three miscarriages along the way.
You feel so hopeful when you learn you’re going to have a child. You start imagining who they’ll become and dreaming of hopes for their future. You start making plans, and then they’re gone. It’s a lonely experience. Most people don’t discuss miscarriages because you worry your problems will distance you or reflect upon you — as if you’re defective or did something to cause this. So you struggle on your own.
In today’s open and connected world, discussing these issues doesn’t distance us; it brings us together. It creates understanding and tolerance, and it gives us hope.
When we started talking to our friends, we realized how frequently this happened — that many people we knew had similar issues and that nearly all had healthy children after all.
We hope that sharing our experience will give more people the same hope we felt and will help more people feel comfortable sharing their stories as well.
Our good news is that our pregnancy is now far enough along that the risk of loss is very low and we are very hopeful.
Cilla and our child are both healthy, I’m extremely excited to meet her and our dog Beast has no idea what’s coming. In our ultrasound, she even gave me a thumbs up “like” with her hand, so I’m already convinced she takes after me.
We’re looking forward to welcoming her into the world and sharing more soon when she’s ready to come out and meet everyone!

Meet brother and sister ageing faster than their parents (photos)

 Anjali Kumari and her brother Keshav Kumar suffer from an extremely rare disease

– The disease casuses swollen faces, wrinkled skin, pain in joints and makes them look like pensioners

– Their parents dream of a cure, but doctors say there is no treatment

Keshav Kumar, 18 months, and his sister Anjali Kumari, 7, were born with a rare genetic disorder called cutis laxa and a form of progeria, that make them age rapidly and look 10 times their age.

Anjali Kumari (left), seven, and her 18-month-old brother Keshav Kumar (right)

The children have loose, wrinkled skin, swollen faces, they suffer from pain in their joints, have breathing issues and are prone to various infections.

In most cases, cutis laxa is inherited, but their father Shatrughan Rajak, 40, and mother Rinki Devi, 35, and oldest sister Shilpi, 11, do not suffer from the disease.

Tiny Keshav Kumar, just 18 months old, grabs a handful of the sagging skin on his stomach in his little fist.

Even though local doctors claim there is no cure for the disorder Keshav and Alhaji’s parents  hope that one day their children will be able to live a normal life.

The children’s parents amd elder sister

Little Anjali said: “I know I’m different from others my age. I have a different kind of face, a different body, different everything. I have a swollen face while the rest of the world looks normal. People always stare at me and pass bad comments.

The children in school call me names like daadi Amma (grandmother), budhiya (old lady), bandariya (monkey), or hanuman (a Hindu monkey lord) and it annoys me. I want to be treated like a normal kid and I want to be accepted for who I am.I really wish I could look as pretty as my sister. My parents hope that I will be okay one day but it makes me feel sad that my family suffer and feel embarrassed because of me. My only wish is for a cure. I want to live a long pain free life.”

Doctors believe that the children suffer from a rare disorder called Progeria, which is extremely unusual and also untreatable

Their desparate father Shatrughan said: “We dream there is a cure for my children. People in our community call them ‘old’ and it’s heartbreaking. We’ve tried to get help from our local doctors but they have told us our only hope is from overseas.

I just hope someone can give us some answers. I am helpless. I feel very sad that I do not know what to do to help my children. I see them ageing faster than me and there is nothing I can do about it. It breaks my heart. I am praying for a miracle.”

Anjali already experiences ailments usually suffered by pensioners.

The siblings more or less stable now but if the disease progresses it can also affect the internal organs. Their lungs, heart, intestines, or arteries may be affected with a variety of severe impairments; they could face heart attack, chest infections, arthritis and so on.

Popular singer poses nude (photos)

American star, Cassie, has released two sexy photos to promote her new clothing line at Diamonds Supply Co.  See them below:   Huh?!..promoting clothing line without clothes on?
Huh?!..promoting clothing line without clothes on?

Bodyguard Mistakenly Grabs Rihanna’s Boobs In The Public (PHOTOS)

Bad girl singer Rihanna has tempted the guys working for her too much by recklessly displaying her oranges to the extent that one of them lose control and took his hand to her bosoms rather than her waist recently. He was trying to protect her, but he did the opposite and it was caught on camera.

Friday, 29 January 2016

The Sexxy Sunny Leone says I’m okay with being typecast

People ask me when I will do a film that will see me as a serious actress. But to me, this is as serious as doing something else.’
Serious talk with Sunny Leone.

Sunny Leone loves being in a harness and is craving to work in an action film!

But for now, she’s busy with her favourite genre: comedy.

The girl of the moment, especially after her controversial interview on The Hot Seat, Sunny isn’t worried about what people might say or think about her new film Mastizaade. She claims the film is a walk in the park, compared to Hollywood films like American Pie and Meet The Millers.

Sunny chats with Jahnavi Patel/

Sunny Leone

Image: Sunny Leone in Mastizaade
How has your Mastizaade experience been?

It is one of the most fun movies I’ve ever shot because it’s a comedy. When you’re doing comedy, there are no serious days. It’s all about having fun and joking all day long.

Why did you take up this project?

When Rangita (Nandy, producer) and Milap (Zaveri, director) met my husband Daniel, they gave him a few scenes and narrated the story a bit. Daniel called me and said I *had* to hear the story. It was the first time that Daniel was so excited about a story!

Milap told me the first half of the movie and I thought it was so funny. When I do such movies, I don’t think log kya sochenge (what people will think?). These things do not even cross my mind because I have grown up watching movies like American Pie and Meet The Millers. This movie is a walk in the park compared to those.

After Ragini MMS 2, I thought it would be nice to be in a comedy.

Is the second half of the film just as interesting as the first?

The second half is more for the women than the guys.

When you see Meet The Fockers or Wedding Crashers, they have the family games — the mother is crazy, the father is crazy, the brother and sister are crazy and that’s what makes it fun to watch. So I, as somebody who is watching the movie, liked all the characters they had created.

The first half is so funny, it’s outrageous! The situations that the boys go through are hilarious.

But in the second half, you meet the family and it’s even crazier but in a different way.

Sunny Leone
You have a double role in the film. Which character do you like moreL Lily or Laila?

Lily. She’s closer to my personality than Laila is.

Laila has been created for the world and that’s how people see me.

When Milap was telling me the story, I liked Lily more than Laila and that’s when he came up with the idea of a double role.

It worked for me because now, people would get to see what they want to see and they would also get to see this other person, who is sort of me. Both the characters are opposite to each other, and it will be interesting to see which character the audience would like more.

How difficult was it transforming from Lily to Laila?

Lily is goofy, crazy and funny. She makes faces and she is completely the opposite of her sister Laila, who is always sexy and provocative.

I found it more difficult to become Laila.

Rangita and Milap would tell me all the time, ‘Okay, Sunny, now you are Laila. Remember sexy.’

I always had this switch in my head.

Your craziest moment in the film?

I can tell you my favourite scene because everybody has seen the ‘crazy’ in the trailer and songs.

My favorite moment is when Laila has this nightmare and when she wakes up, she tells her sister, ‘Ab mujhe woh karna hoga jo maine kabhi kiya nahi’.

The next morning you see her covered from head to toe in sari, performing a puja. And they have remade Baby Doll with Main Laila hoon. It’s the same tune but with different words.

It’s one of my favourite scenes and you don’t see it in the trailer or any of the songs. I am dying for people to see that.

Sunny Leone
Milap said that shooting the climax scene was most difficult. Was it difficult for you too?

The scene has two Sunnys, so we had to shoot it, and then freeze. Everybody had to wait because I had to go and change into the other character. And that took a lot of time.

That happened during the songs too. For instance, in the Rom rom romantic song, I had to walk out of the pool while doing the steps, and then everyone had to wait while I changed into the other character.

So every time the scene had two Sunnys, the whole set would stop moving and the camera would stay still. I would go, change and come back again. Also, the outfits were very elaborate.

Because of Rangita and Milap, changing from one character to the other wasn’t taxing on me. I love the idea of becoming something totally different. The fun part about making movies is that I can somebody else; I can be a fictional character who comes to life. Milap and the entire team made sure that if I was Laila in the morning, we would finish the Laila scenes then, and later do the Lily scenes.

So I did not have to go back and forth too much.

Would you like to be a part of any biopic?

I haven’t been offered, you know, to be somebody. These stories of girls who come in the industry and what happens to them, that’s not interesting to me at all; but I get such scripts all the time.

You come from nothing, then you become an actress, then you become larger-than-life and then you fall and then you commit suicide. It’s the same story over and over again.

Sunny Leone
Do you fear being typecast?

If I’m going to be typecast, there’s nothing I can do about it. So I’m okay with that. It doesn’t bother me.

My job is to do the movies that I like.

My next two films are not in the same zone as this one. People ask me when I will do a film that will see me as a serious actress.

But to me, this is as serious as doing something else.

Would you like to do an action or a thriller movie?

Of course, I love action!

Anybody who has worked with me knows I love being in a harness. I love jumping around. I get hurt; I am very clumsy, but as long as something is not broken, I keep moving. So yes, if I get a chance to do an action or a thriller, I’d love to do it.

I love movies in general. I like lots of kinds of movies but my favourite genre is comedy.

Will we see you direct a movie in the future?

I don’t think so. I think to be a good director, you have to do so many things.

I would rather be a producer than a director.

Daniel Weber and Sunny Leone

Photograph: Sunny Leone/Instagram
There were reports that you would like to play a mother in a film.

Sure, why not? I’m actually playing a mother in one of the movies that I am making.

I love children but I don’t think I’ll be getting pregnant anytime soon. There’s so much going on now, it would be wise not to get pregnant.

What is happening with your films, Tina and Lolo and One Night Stand?

I am not sure about Tina and Lolo because Karishma (Tanna) is really busy and so am I.

One Night Stand will probably release next.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Sania Mirza-Martina Hingis juggernaut continues, win second title of the year

Sania MIrza and Martina Hingis with the winner’s trophy at the Sydney International tournament. (Source: Sydney International Twitter)
Sania Mirza and Martina Hingis’ awe-inspiring run continued unabated as they lifted their second trophy of the season with the WTA Apia International title after clinching their 30th win a row, in Sydney on Friday.

The triumph over Caroline Garcia and Kristina Mladenovic though was not without initial hiccups as the top seeds lost the first set meekly before eking out a 1-6 7-5 10-5 win in one hour and 13 minutes.

The world number one team trailed 1-6 2-5 at one stage but they yet again came out unscathed, levelling the second set 5-5 and then sealed it to stretch it to a Super tie-breaker.

The US open and Wimbledon champions raced to a 8-3 lead in the decider and clinched the issue comfortably to stretch their unbeaten run to an incredible 30 matches.

“At 6-1, 5-2 the only thing we could say to each other was that it was only one break,” Mirza added. “That’s the only positive you can find from a situation like that. We tried to hold our serve for 5-3 to give ourselves another chance, then we had a huge game at 5-3 and the momentum went in our favor,” Sania said after the win.

“We’re really happy to win another tournament. We’re really happy with the way we fought,” she added.

It was the 11th title together for the Indo-Swiss pair as continuing the good show from 2015 when they won 9 titles including the year-end WTA finale.

Martina said it was a test of nerves for them.

“It was definitely a great test, and against a great new team. They were playing together for the first time this week, and I think we’re going to see a lot more of them. We had to take our chances. You don’t see much light in a dark tunnel, but then we had one or two opportunities here and there, and with one little chance we were able to turn the match around,” the Swiss said.

They now have 11 WTA doubles titles together: Indian Wells, Miami, Charleston, Wimbledon, US Open, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Beijing and the WTA Finals last year, and now Brisbane and Sydney this year.

The Swiss-Indian partnership is also an impeccable 11-1 together in WTA doubles finals.

Adding to that, when new rankings will be issued on Monday, Martina will join Sania as joint World No.1 on the WTA doubles rankings.

It will be Hingis’ first time at No.1 since the Indian Wells fortnight in 2000.

“I think it’s another chapter in my career, definitely. When Sania became No.1 in Charleston that was a huge stepping stone for her, and now for me, 16 years later, who would have thought I would have another opportunity to become No.1 again? It was a dream and now it’s reality,” Martina said

“But I’ve felt we’re the No.1 team for a while now. It was just a question of time,” she added.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Nigerian student in Malaria charged for cheating two women on facebook

A Nigerian college student who allegedly cheated women on Facebook has been charged at the Magistrate Court in Malaysia.Collins Sparklys Obianke, 33 (pictured leaving the Petaling Jaya Magistrate Court) who was charged at two separate courts here pleaded not guilty and claimed trial before magistrate Salamiah Salleh and magistrate Mohd Azali Ibrahim.

The suspected fraudster was believed to have cheated Foo Pooi Yun, 38 and S. Vanitha, 31 into making them believe that they had received a parcel containing gifts from overseas that required them to deposit RM10,500 into a bank account between Aug 24 and Sept 14 2015. The parcels were supposed to contain a handbag, laptop, mobile phone, watches, sunglasses and perfume.

He was charged under Section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating which carries 10 years jail, whipping and a fine if convicted.

The court allowed RM11,000 bail in one surety for both charges. Obianke who was represented by lawyer L. A Gomes was also ordered to surrender his passport to the court.
Deputy public prosecutor N. Sivashangari and Siti Fatimah Yahya acted for the prosecution.